World's Brightest 1 Watt LED
Are you sure you can handle this?
These LEDs will blow you away! They are 25 Times brighter than our 5mm/8mm LEDs! Using the latest technology they consume 1 Watts of power and give light output comparable to a 10-15 watt light bulb! You will blow away your friends when they witness its power!
Whats included?
- 1 Watt LED
- 10 Inches of wire 26 Gauge wire
- Resistor Built in for 6V-12V DC power (car,boat)
- All Assembled by Hand in the USA!
- Has 2 screw holes for mounting
Danger! Resistor gets hot and it is not recommend to have LED in contact with plastics or fire hazard material.
Warning! Maximum voltage is 12V ! Any more causes destruction of the resistor and LED!
Warning! Do not look into LED for long periods of time! Danger to eyes!
Price for EACH $9.99 Limited time FREE SHIPPING!